You have been familiarized with THE BOARD, and this is the basis for the determination and acceptance of potential clients as ‘APPROVED FOR CONTACT’. We approve only the businesses for PREMIER PLACEMENT that make each town UNIQUELY INTERESTING AND ATTRACTIVE.
THE BOARD logs the accountability of the SALES CYCLE’S step by step processes so that you can keep on top of the overall FLOW from GOAL, to ACTION STEPS, to CLOSE. Every step of the way, we enter the activities in the SALES CYCLE onto THE BOARD, and at the end of each week we upload every Community Board into our home office State Master Board, to track our overall progress through the State.
ExploreTexas.Com has been, continues to, and will step up COMMUNITY DISCOVERY OUTREACH with aggressive multi-media outreach including Radio, Search Engine Optimization, Market Email Campaigns, and other ongoing community involvement strategies.
THE BOARD keeps track of the SALES CYCLE in a macro-sense, but on the front line, you are keeping records of each step of the process, and the more granular details. We suggest you keep this in a loose-leaf notebook, and after each step of the SALES CYCLE, you JOURNAL the exchange in great detail. JOURNALING is a key activity to your success in not only this endeavor, but also in every area of your life you want to thrive in. We include JOURNALING in the weekly ZOOM CALL TRAININGS.
You are approaching a prospective client for the first meeting in which you plan to present the advertising opportunity. You are personally READY TO DO BUSINESS! You initiate the SALES CALL.
Ask them where they see themselves in the ExploreTexas.Com Website. Would that be a Community Sponsor Upper, a Community Sponsor Lower, a Category Upper? ASK THE CLIENT FOR HIS OR HER BUSINESS!
Basically every objection is just one objection. That is, that you have not given them full confidence in one or more of the BIG THREE – KNOW YOUR SELF; KNOW YOUR PRODUCT; KNOW YOUR COMPANY. They may say ‘its not a good time for me’, or ‘I have to ask my partner (wife, brother, banker etc)’, or ‘I already spent my advertising budget’, or ‘money is so tight right now’, or ‘let me think about it’ etcetera, etcetera. They simply need more confidence in the PRODUCT or the COMPANY (ITS NOT YOU, you are already buffed and polished and ready to do business!).
Overcoming objections at this point is really, really LISTENING, then REVIEWING AND RESTATING the VALUE PROPOSITION (reduces advertising costs, delivers traffic, increases sales), and the provenance and track record of the COMPANY, coupled with the fact that only LIMITED PLACEMENTS for their business are available, and its FIRST COME FIRST SERVE.
Remind them, if appropriate (money objection), they can Quad-Pay the invoice, one-fourth of the price per month for today and each of the next three months. Remind them they may lose the opportunity for a PREMIER PLACEMENT, as they go to the end of the line for a call-back. Remind them that Pinnacle and Texas Farm & Ranch were, and in the case of Texas Farm & Ranch, still is a major VISIBILITY ENHANCEMNT AND VALUE PROPOSITION for the advertisers, setting them apart from the crowd as HERE TO STAY, AND HERE TO WIN.
As long as they want to be convinced, or take the time to convince themselves, you support them in making the BUY DECISION. Repeat the VALUE PROPOSITION in the way that best fits their situation and concerns. On the other hand, if you get a definitive ‘No, Not Interested, Period’, then respect that, and simply thank them for their time, leave a card, and wish them a Blessed Day. We have no need or interest in hard-sell anything to anybody. We will drive traffic to the town and to our premier clients, and your town has a wealth of PREMIER CLIENT possibilities.
Remember, the key is the VALUE PROPOSITION. We drive traffic through the business’s door, with Views/Clicks, Visibility, Exclusivity, Prominence, and ONGOING MONITORING of the client’s improvement in traffic over time. This translates to increased sales for our clients. This is the EXPLORETEXAS.COM ADVANTAGE.
As soon as you get the OK, take them to the CLAIM YOUR PLACEMENT tile (bottom left of the Community Landing Page) in the website and help them check out! This is covered in more detail in your Supplemental Trainings.
It is CRITICAL to your success in building clientele with momentum and enjoying a steep upward SALES CURVE that you request referrals from your new client. “I really appreciate your advertising with us, and we will deliver! Can you give me a shortlist of business friends that I might call on, and say you referred me?” Initial contact and starting the SALES CYCLE with your next appointment is so much easier when you can start with “Mrs. Johnson is advertising with us, and she said I should call on you and show you what we are doing with ExploreTexas.Com; do you have a few minutes to visit!”.
After the sale we put their business (Linked Logo and Background) up in the Website, with our Design Team assuring their slide is presented in the best possible light. Now we drive traffic to the community and to their business. And, your New Client will receive a monthly TRAFFIC REPORT, setting forth the number of views and click-throughs to their website.
Based on the TRAFFIC REPORT for this business, and for the other businesses in town, we evaluate the marketing results for their business.
As you periodically stop by and maintain your relationship with your new client (aka ‘FOREVER CLIENT’), you will let them know that we offer enhancements, like Custom Linked Landing Pages, Email BackLink Campaigns, Radio and YouTube Custom and Piggyback plays, SEO consultation and more.
Your recommendations of the version(s) of multi-media supplementary offerings we feel will best Energize traffic to new levels are covered in your Supplemental Training.
That’s it! You are now READY TO DO BUSINESS!!! Remember we are behind you 100%, and will always support you personally and professionally, every step of the way!